was established in 1997 and is one the market leader in designing, manufacturing and supply of hydraulic systems, components and services to serve Malaysian market as well as South East Asia (SEA). The continued expansion and restructuring have been taken place to ensure the company has the people and resources to maintain the highest level of customer service and product quality.
Major Activities
Manufacturing ofSales and Service of:
Power & Motion Control Sdn Bhd was conceived with a philosophy that an enthusiastic and energetic team of employees combiing the various management, engineering, operational and commecial skills could best service the complex day to day and long term hydraulic market requirements. Today the success of the application of expertise is proven and current team is just as enthusiastic and dedicated in covering wide range of activities.
Power & Motion Control Sdn Bhd provides TOTAL SERVICE in the hydraulic field from supply of widest range of components, the design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and servicing of the most sophisticated systems. This total service with qualified and experienced service technicians available and availability of the full range of parts and accessories will get to your operation fast upon request.
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